North Hagerstown High School Booster Club
North Hagerstown High School Booster Club

NH Boosters Board Postions




Schedule and facilitate meetings

Cosign Bank Account

Communicate with Administration and Athletic Director

Oversee operations as needed

Vice President

Oversee meetings when president is absent

Communicate with officers and committee leaders

File and submit official documents


File tax returns (Bookkeeping)

Deposit funds

Oversee all financial matters


Take minutes at meetings

Send minutes to booster members

Send agenda, post reminders to social media

Communicate with web designer

Membership Chairman

Oversee membership through website/paper applications

Email parents/members with booster needs

Coordinate team meetings at the beginning of each season

Concession Chairman

Order and stock supplies

Create concession schedule

Manage and maintain concession spaces

Special Events Coordinator

Select dates and secure facilities

Plan and organize events

Publicize events

Stadium Store Coordinator

Oversee ordering spirit wear

Manage inventory

Organize and manage space–indoor and outdoor

North Hagerstown High School Booster Club
North Hagerstown High School Booster Club
North Hagerstown High School Booster Club